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This is where we publish our boat related stories and articles, which range from world circumnavigation to rescue missions, humour and much, much more. So make yourself a coffee and settle yourself down to a good read.

Zagrebacki sajam nautike/Zagreb Boat Show
Zagrebacki sajam nautike/Zagreb Boat Show
Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Sve zainteresirane koji žele saznati više o nama i našim uslugama, vlasnike plovila i predstavnike nautičkih tvrtki pozivamo na prezentaciju „Boatshed Croatia-posredovanje pri prodaji/kupnji rabljenih plovila i mogućnosti za suradnju sa nau...

Boatshed Croatia, business opportunities with the world's No1 Yacht Brokers
Boatshed Croatia, business opportunities with the world's No1 Yacht Brokers
Tuesday, 31 January 2012

If you want to sell your boat and don’t have enough time or possibility to do that by yourself call us and let us to help you. We are members of one of leading yacht brokerage group and we have largest registered customer base (450....

Boatshed Croatia, vaš najbolji izbor!
Boatshed Croatia, vaš najbolji izbor!
Tuesday, 31 January 2012

Želite prodati svoj brod a nemate za to dovoljno vremena i mogućnosti? Nazovite nas i dajte nam da vam pomognemo. Mi smo član jedne od vodećih svjetskih grupa nezavisnih yacht brokera i imamo najveću bazu registriranih potencijalnih kupaca te...

Flying Fox 35 yacht for sale with Boatshed Croatia
Flying Fox 35 yacht for sale with Boatshed Croatia
Monday, 16 January 2012

We have great pleasure in presenting the Flying Fox 35 - a very unique yacht and a piece of yachting history. She was designed by the famous yacht designer Uffa Fox, from the Isle of Wight who is known as the 'father of planing sailboat hulls'. ...

Good growth in British visitor numbers to Croatia this year
Good growth in British visitor numbers to Croatia this year
Friday, 25 November 2011

During the first day of the World Travel Market 2011 in London, statistics for the number of British visitors to Croatia this year were revealed – showing promising growth for the year.

Biograd Boat Show
Biograd Boat Show
Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Final preparations are underway for the 13th Biograd Boat Show, that will be open from 20th to 23rd October, and we wish to inform you that this year's show organizers expect to be bigger and better than ever,making it the largest exhibition of bo...

2011 PSP Southampton Boat Show update
2011 PSP Southampton Boat Show update
Tuesday, 30 August 2011

We’re all very excited about the PSP Southampton Boat Show and the Boatshed stand at the show. at the PSP Southampton boat show 2011 at the PSP Southampton boat show 2011
Monday, 29 August 2011

Come and meet the team at this years PSP Southampton boat show.

Buying a boat during the Autumn and Winter months
Buying a boat during the Autumn and Winter months
Friday, 26 August 2011

It used to be said that the best time to buy a used boat was during autumn and winter, because boat owners once they decide to sell the expenses rack up for marina berths, yard fees and general maintenance. If you are looking to sell your boat, th...

Boatshed Croatia Goes Sailing!
Boatshed Croatia Goes Sailing!
Tuesday, 26 July 2011

Finally we are leaving our home port and heading on south, towards Dalmatia. I hope that down there weather will be better and that we will spend several nice days on the sea. Todays weather looks more like early spring than middle of summer. Sinc...

Fiumanka Sailing Fair
Fiumanka Sailing Fair
Monday, 13 June 2011

Fiumanka Sailing Fair is now behind us. Weather was almost nice; wind conditions for regatta are surprisingly good in comparison with previous years. Sailing Fair was not so big in it first edition but it was well attended during all 4 days and ha...

Boatshed Croatia exibiting at Rijeka sailing fair
Boatshed Croatia exibiting at Rijeka sailing fair
Sunday, 05 June 2011


400000 Boatshed Customers!
400000 Boatshed Customers!
Thursday, 28 April 2011

This week sees pass the 400,000 registered customer mark.

Boatshed expands boats sales into Croatia
Boatshed expands boats sales into Croatia
Wednesday, 27 April 2011

I would like to say hello to my new colleagues Boatshed brokers, customers, and all other boat lovers. Some of you already know that I am recently finished my training in Boatshed HQ and spent few wonderful days in Portsmouth. Now I am ready to st...

Boatshed sells boats, have you tried them yet?
Boatshed sells boats, have you tried them yet?
Sunday, 26 August 2007

And this was amply proven during a recent excursion to Cowes to watch the P1 Powerboat racing in the company of the guys from Boatshed Hamble, Boatshed Cowes and Boatshed Poole. Time and time again I realised that the reason the Boatshed business ...

RNLI - we support them, do you?
RNLI - we support them, do you?
Friday, 17 August 2007

The RNLI launches more than 20 lifeboats a day and as Boatshed is part of the RNLI Ambassador scheme, we thought you might like to keep up to date with what's happening around our coastline.

Boatshed Barcelona Test Sails a Classic
Boatshed Barcelona Test Sails a Classic
Wednesday, 15 August 2007

Boatshed Barcelona has on its books a really classic boat (Classic Ocean Cruiser) and the owner had been gently hinting that she wanted us to go out on the open water together so I could see her in all her glory (the boat that is, rather than the ...

Boatshed Has a Fender Friend
Boatshed Has a Fender Friend
Monday, 13 August 2007

Boatshed has today announced the first of their Preferred Partners – drum roll please……..Made to Measure Fenders.

Beauty contest?
Beauty contest?
Thursday, 09 August 2007

Do you ever wonder how your pride and joy gets moved round the world when you pay a
shipping company to move it?

Planes, trains and automobiles
Planes, trains and automobiles
Thursday, 09 August 2007

By any means possible, make an appointment to see your local Boatshed this weekend. He did.......


This is where we publish our boat related stories and articles, which range from world circumnavigation to rescue missions, humour and much, much more. So make yourself a coffee and settle yourself down to a good read.

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