Boatshed expands boats sales into Croatia
I would like to say hello to my new colleagues Boatshed brokers, customers, and all other boat lovers. Some of you already know that I am recently finished my training in Boatshed HQ and spent few wonderful days in Portsmouth. Now I am ready to start Boatshed Croatia office and to introduce Boatshed brand in Croatia. Regarding that my first duty will be to perform necessary marketing activities and advertise Boatshed Croatia in national nautical magazines and boat shows. Of course I have also planned to be present in Croatian marinas and ports and on disposition to owners and customers as many and possible. Because of its attractiveness and good transport connections, in last several years Croatian Adriatic coast becomes one of most popular cruising areas in Europe so I expect that it will become also new homeport for many new boat owners from UK and other countries. They are welcomed, lot of quality boats here are expecting new crew!
Click here to go to Boatshed Croatia and browse all the boats for sale
Pozdrav također i vlasnicima plovila i nautičarima iz Hrvatske! Boatshed Croatia, predstavništvo je britanske tvrtke Boatshed.com, najveće svjetske grupacije „jaht brokera“, koje je nedavno otvorilo svoja vrata i u Hrvatskoj. Poslovanje unutar međunarodne grupacije koja ima 54 poslovnice širom svijeta i najveću neovisnu bazu potencijalnih kupaca (gotovo 400.000). nastalu u proteklih 10 godina. omogućiti će nam pružanje profesionalne usluge u skladu sa standardima BMF (British Marine Federation) te brzu prodaju vašeg plovila. A, ako tražite neko određeno plovilo sigurni smo da će te u našoj bazi u kojoj se nalazi preko 2000 plovila za prodaju naći nešto za sebe.