Special offer for serious buyers of Elan 333
Zahvaljujući dobroj volji vlasnika potencijalnim ozbiljnim kupcima nudimo posebnu ponudu tjedan dana korištenja i isprobavanja broda po specijalnim uvjetima. Ako nakon toga klijent odluči kupiti brod tih tjedan dana neće mu biti naplaćeno. U slučaju da odustane od kupnje platiti će 50% cijene od uobičajene cijene tjednog najma za taj period korištenja broda. Eventualne greške i nedostatke koji su neuobičajeni za to godište broda i umanjuju sigurnost plovidbe vlasnik će također otkloniti o svom trošku.
Thanks to the goodwill of owner we have interesting offer for potential serious buyers, using and testing a boat for a one week according special conditions. If customer decide to buy this boat after that he will not be charged anything. In case that customer will not be satisfied and gives up from buying this boat he will be charged 50% of regular charter fee for certain period of booking. Eventual flaws and errors on board which are not typical for that age of boat and could reduce safety of cruising owner is ready to repair at his own expense.